What’s Blocking Your Chi?
A weekly roundup of the latest future of work and conscious leadership news and insights
Last weekend Víctor and I watched the live-action remake of Disney’s Mulan. If you’ve seen either the animated or live-action version of the film, you’re familiar with the story of a young Chinese woman who pretends to be a man in order to represent her family in the country’s military during an important battle.
One of the concepts that resonated with me in the film is how because Mulan was pretending to be something she’s not, her chi, or life force, was blocked and she was not able to tap into her innate abilities that truly made her shine. Chi (or Qi) is a Chinese concept that describes the perfect balance of energy that flows through everything. Your chi is flowing when everything in your life (health, energy, emotions, creativity) is aligned and things feel effortless.
Mulan’s chi was blocked because she feared the repercussions of admitting who she truly was. After repeated frustration and defeat, she finally realizes that in order to overcome her challenges, she has to be honest with herself and others so she can let her chi flow. As soon as she embraces her power and becomes her true self, she steps into her greatness. There’s a lesson here for conscious leaders:
What’s blocking your chi?
Where are you hiding your talent, intuition, and creativity?
What fears stop you from achieving your desires?
How can being your true self help overcome challenges?
One of the incredible benefits of working with a coach is becoming more connected with your true self. By standing in your own power and letting your chi flow, you’ll be amazed by the incredible shifts that will happen in and all around you.
Here is some of the future of work and conscious leadership content I found interesting this week:
Harvard Business Review tackles the question, “When do teams really need in-person interactions?” Now that the future of work is remote, it’s an important question for leaders to ask themselves. There are four main reasons: collaboration, innovation, acculturation, and dedication. And there are five design drivers that foster these four reasons.
Was 2020 the year The Internet Age truly began? Entrepreneur Balaji Srinivasan believes the year flipped reality: “It used to be that the physical world was primary, and the internet was the mirror. Now that has flipped. The digital world is primary and the physical world is just the mirror. Important events happen on the internet first and then materialize in the physical world later, if ever.”
Upwork released its “Future of Workforce Pulse Report” and shared that at least 25% of workers will remain remote through 2021. It also found that due to companies’ newfound comfort with remote work, many are relying more on freelancers to fill talent gaps.
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.
The way we work and build teams is rapidly changing. Leaders often feel unprepared to navigate the transition. As a conscious leadership coach, consultant and communicator, Meredith helps leaders and their teams create new ways of working and relating so they can prepare for the future by consciously co-creating it.
Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
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