Ever tried something like meditation or taking a moment to quiet your mind only to be inundated with a relentless stream of thoughts? This is sometimes referred to as “monkey mind.” The term describes incessant, restless, uncontrollable thoughts that constantly bombard our brain. Too often, we listen to the thoughts; especially the negative ones.
Speaking from experience, this constant stream of thoughts can completely alter emotions, moods and actions. It’s hard to calm the mind or be in a peaceful, optimistic space when you start listening to the negative thoughts. Conversely, when your spirit and mind listen to the positive thoughts, it’s amazing what you can accomplish and how you can co-create a positive experience for yourself.
Recently I was listening to some presentations about how our consciousness is like a tuner that brings in our spirit to our physical body. One presenter mentioned how a field or cloud of thoughts circles around our brain all the time.
Suddenly I had a mental image of what this looks like: a radio tower with thousands of potential stations to tune into. One station plays positive, uplifting, encouraging thoughts. Another plays ugly, self-sabotaging, critical thoughts. My consciousness is capable of tuning in to either. And which one I consciously choose to tune in to will determine my attitude, self-perception, and concept of what’s possible for me. Now, whenever I become aware of negative thoughts, I ask myself, “What station are you tuned in to right now, Meredith?” It helps me get back on track, tuning in to the stations (thoughts) that empower me.
You can also think of it like cars driving by on a highway. Some cars have negative thoughts and emotions. Others have positive, empowering, uplifting thoughts and emotions. You can choose which car to get into. The destinations and outcomes will be very different. A third analogy could be your diet. You may have heard of the term “mental diet.” This refers to the content you feed yourself. You can choose what thoughts (mental food) you allow your mind to consume and how it will literally impact your body.
One of the amazing aspects of meditation and mindfulness is you can step back from the radio or the cars. From the observer standpoint, you simply watch them go by without latching onto them and adopting them as your reality. The more you become an observer of the noise and traffic, the more you can select which station you tune in to or the car you decide to ride in.
Working with a coach can provide this type of result as well. The coach is an observer listening to what you say and how you say it, which reveals your inner thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your reality. They help you realize which stations you’re tuning in to and how it shapes your life. It’s exciting once you realize you have the power to choose which thoughts you want to listen to and how to leverage them to create a life you love.
Which radio station are you tuned in to?
How is it impacting your life?
What would happen if you tuned in to a station that empowered you?
What’s stopping you from changing the station?
These are all important questions to ask yourself because the station you’re tuned in to has a significant impact on how you show up in life and what’s reflected back to you. This is an essential aspect of being a conscious leader: being aware of your radio stations and tuning in to the ones that will best serve you.
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.
The way we work and build teams is rapidly changing. Leaders often feel unprepared to navigate the transition. As a conscious leadership coach, consultant and communicator, Meredith helps leaders and their teams create new ways of working and relating so they can prepare for the future by consciously co-creating it.
Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
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