If you’ve been reading this newsletter for any length of time, you know I talk about this term “conscious leadership” consistently. My passion is bringing more conscious leadership to the workplace and world. So I share about this concept in my newsletters and videos.
With language and communication it’s essential to define our terms (especially newer ones) and be crystal clear about the intent so there’s shared understanding. Today I’m going to define and explain what conscious leadership means to me and how I think it can change the world.
The word conscious is defined in the dictionary as “aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; awake.” It can also mean “deliberate and intentional,” or “painfully aware of or sensitive to.” In regards to the mind or thoughts, it means “directly perceptible to and under the control of the person concerned.”

Put simply, consciousness is awareness and choice. It’s an awareness of who you really are, as opposed to the “you” that you believe yourself to be and the you that you were taught to be. It’s understanding WHY you think, feel and act the way you do. Choice means giving yourself space between emotion and action instead of just reacting. It’s being awake to your feelings and thoughts, and therefore having deliberate control of your inner self that’s then reflected in the outer world.
Your thoughts and perceptions determine your reality. So becoming aware of them—and the thoughts and emotions they evoke—is critical.
So how does this apply to leadership?
Leadership isn’t just for CEOs, elected officials or others in positions of hierarchical authority. Leadership is any interaction where you personally influence someone (including yourself). We’re all leaders in how we influence ourselves and others.
That’s why coupling consciousness with leadership is so important.
Too many of us operate from unconscious programming. It’s instinctual. We never take the time to evaluate whether what we believe, think, and do is a reflection of our authentic selves. How often do we reflect on what impact our beliefs, thoughts and actions have on ourselves and others? Without reflecting on these deep, core patterns, we could be missing out on huge growth as a person and a leader.
The more you bring unconscious ways of BE-ing to your awareness, and how they direct your actions, the more conscious you become. Because once you are aware of the inner thoughts, programs and emotions that drive your behaviors, you can then shift them and find new ways of BE-ing.
You become a conscious leader. A conscious leader who is aware of how your core beliefs influence your actions and how you influence others.
Can you imagine how our work, lives and world would change if everyone took the time to increase their level of consciousness? If we all realized that by working on how we show up in the world has a profound impact on everyone around us and the ripple effects beyond?
As you begin this path of becoming a more conscious leader, here are some questions you can ponder to increase your level of awareness:
“What programming or beliefs have I unconsciously embraced as a leader?”
“Am I fully aware of how I impact others with my thoughts, feelings, and actions?
“How often do I operate from autopilot and later regret how I felt or acted in the moment?
“If every moment describes who I am, and gives me the opportunity to decide if that’s how I want to be, how will I decide to BE?”
As part of my coaching, I offer an Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment that helps answer some of these questions from an objective standpoint. The ELI assists anyone in getting a baseline understanding of how they perceive the world around them and react or respond to it. It is an eye-opening reflection of how we show up in the world.
Many clients’ lives are profoundly changed when they realize how much their unconscious beliefs have directed their work and life. But once that awareness increases, they can work on changing their way of BE-ing and show up in the world how they intentionally desire to.
Our world is going through a transformational transition right now. Paradigms are shifting. We have the golden opportunity to fundamentally change for the better how we work, live and BE with each other.
Will you embrace this opportunity and help lead the transformation?
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.

Meredith’s coaching helps conscious leaders step courageously into the future of work. Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
And if you haven’t already, please sign up for this newsletter so you’ll receive the latest insights on conscious leadership, remote work success, remote team building, and the future of work.
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