No More “Paying Your Dues”
Conscious leaders can create a powerful new way to build a flourishing career
How many of you started your career working as an intern or an entry-level position? If you’re like most professionals, you probably had a starter job that didn’t pay very well, but you worked to learn, not to earn. So you may have tolerated less than ideal circumstances so you could get your hand on the first rung of the proverbial career ladder.
These types of entry-level positions are important because you quickly gain experience that you can then leverage for better positions. Perhaps you found some mentors or fantastic supervisors who encouraged you and helped advance your career. They provided learning experiences and shared feedback to help you grow quickly. If so, consider it a blessing.
Unfortunately, for every great supervisor or mentor, there are the “Devil Wears Prada” bosses who can make your life a living hell.
I talk with many young professionals who tell me their bosses refuse to provide fair work life balance because, “I didn’t get that luxury, why should you?” Then walk away mumbling something about “snowflakes these days.” I’ve heard horror stories about back-stabbing, humiliation, unreasonable demands, and angry outbursts.
We’re all human, so of course even good bosses will have their bad days. But if this behavior is a regular occurrence, then it’s a problem. Not only will it hurt employee morale, it will drive away good employees or discourage potential employees from joining an organization with a bad leadership reputation. The attitude of many of these bosses is that their underlings need to “pay their dues” just like they think they did.
What these dues-paying bosses don’t realize is that this cycle of insensitive, callous behavior serves no one. They have the opportunity to end this unhealthy cycle and create a conscious workplace for all their employees.

If you are a leader who desires to build a conscious workplace, you can end this dues-paying cycle by creating a culture that values all employees equally. Regularly check-in with all employees to hear their experiences. If you discover there is an individual in a management role that displays this dues-paying attitude, consider it a cancer that could destroy your organization internally. You can help them overcome their patterns through coaching, or, if things don’t improve, release them to other opportunities.
An organization that provides coach-centric management, and focuses on employee health and happiness will achieve its goals far more quickly and effectively than those that don’t.
If you’re an employee dealing with a manager with a dues-paying attitude, first ask yourself if this is the kind of place you want to work. Second, ask yourself if working there would warp your perception to the point you’d adopt the same attitude and way of being. Is that really who you want to be? Do you want to break the corporate cycle of soul-crushing dues-paying?
Some tenured bosses may argue, “Well, this is just how things are done in our industry.” The “this is how it’s always been done” argument is from an old paradigm that no longer functions. Human consciousness is rising and we no longer will accept the way things were in the past “just because.” Instead, we’re going to create a new path forward that provides opportunity, equality, and nurturing.
Whether you’re a CEO, manager, intern, or somewhere in between, you can help shift the paradigm of the modern workplace. You can take a stand. You can make a difference. Reject the old belief that dues must be paid in order for a career to move forward. Embrace the belief that everyone deserves a positive experience when working, regardless of their position.
Instead of climbing a ladder by yourself, create a path wide enough for all to flourish.
Meredith’s coaching helps conscious leaders step courageously into the future of work. Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
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