Distinguishing between Expiring vs Permanent Skills
A weekly roundup of the latest future of work and conscious leadership news and insights
Somehow Pocket has figured out the algorithm to send me the exact articles I always find interesting. If you haven’t tried out this app, I highly recommend it. I’m constantly scanning headlines and content online, but don’t always have time to read everything in one sitting. So I put it in my “pocket” and I can read it later (even without wifi). But Pocket also suggests articles that may pique my interests. Invariably, they do. For example, this week, Pocket suggested an article about expiring versus permanent skills.
As work continues to evolve, it’s important for conscious leaders to ensure they develop the permanent skills that will help them regardless of how the economy or workplace changes. The article by Morgan Housel describes the key difference between the permanent skills essential to success and the expiring skills that only get us so far in a career.
According to Housel, expiring skills are “vital at a given time, but prone to diminishing as technology improves and a field evolves.” Permanent skills “were as essential 100 years ago as they are today, and will still be 100 years from now.”

Another way to think about this would be hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are things like learning how to operate an Excel sheet or manage social media ads. Soft skills are based more on emotional intelligence; the ability to interact well with others, helping others, or knowing how to communicate effectively. Housel includes a list of such permanent skills that includes things like the willingness to adapt views, getting to the point, and respecting luck as much as you respect risk.
What are some permanent skills you’d like to develop? How would having such skills benefit you and your team?
When you’re ready to start developing these important skills, let’s connect. Working with a coach is a fantastic way to explore areas for growth and then take action.
Here is some of the future of work and conscious leadership content I found interesting this week:
Google’s head of wellness shared about some of the company’s services helping employees thrive even during challenging circumstances like the pandemic. One tip I found useful is conducting a TEA check-in. Where are your Thoughts, Where is your Energy, and Where is your Attention? Asking these three simple questions can help you determine how you’re doing and whether you need a break.
Fast Company featured a fantastic article about how to listen when you’re remote. How you listen is incredibly important. It’s one of the most important skills coaches use when helping clients. As the article explains, it’s important to listen with your body, your mind, and your heart.
Forbes shared a post about how to measure productivity as the way we work changes. In the past, we measured physical presence and hours at the office, but for knowledge workers, outcomes and support of the overall team are more important. As the article shares, the new way to measure success includes things like social cohesion, information sharing, goal clarity, trust, and external outreach. Conscious leaders can prioritize these increasingly important ways to measure growth and outcomes as opposed to antiquated measures such as time at a desk.
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.
Meredith’s coaching helps conscious leaders step courageously into the future of work. Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
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