Crisis reveals purpose, remote team feedback, and transforming corporate culture
A roundup of the latest remote work news and insights
Did you take time this week to step outside on Wednesday or Thursday evening and see the Flower Moon? Here is Austin, it was a glorious sight to behold as it slowly rose into the evening sky. Its brilliant moonbeams streamed into windows, casting a beautiful soft yellow glow throughout our home, almost as bright as sunlight.

It was a wonderful reminder that we are connected to powerful, loving spiritual energy that continue to support us, even in times of outward tumult. Any time we want, we can connect to this energy through prayer, meditation, or spiritual practices. Nature constantly provides reminders for us to slow down, trust ourselves, and trust the purpose we will serve while here on earth.
Here is some of the remote work/conscious leadership content I found interesting this week:
Key insight for me: “Purposeful leaders have an opportunity to involve their internal stakeholders in decision-making that further creates camaraderie and community among people who are critical to achieving business objectives.”
The article also talks about the conscious leadership principle of prioritizing service over profit or stock value: “[G]oing forward, performance and value won’t be measured by dollars earned or company stock value, but increasingly in how a company and its leadership serve the community and fulfill a higher purpose that goes beyond what they sell.”
Running Remote just posted videos from their recent Remote Aid conference.
Key insight for me: A few weeks ago I attended the virtual conference and was impressed by the content, virtual format and caliber of fellow attendees. I highly recommend checking out the conference’s videos; they are both practical and thought-provoking. And they will soon be holding another online events, which I’m sure will be equally as productive and informative.
I had a fun video call with Simon Deeley of Remotify this week. We discussed the evolution of remote work and how he is helping teams make the remote transition successfully. He shared with me an excellent article on how to invite and receive feedback for a remote team.
Key insight for me: “When difficult-to-hear feedback comes, be ready to co-create an alternate reality with your team-mates. Place this alternate reality where you can all explore it. In the shared, alternate reality, accept the truth of the feedback. Explore it with genuine curiosity to find what's remarkable and useful about it.”
Key insight for me: The author outlines many principles of conscious leadership as part of the transformation of corporate culture: greater empathy for employees, more of a family feeling, and emotional support. “While technology is the key to keeping a remote workforce functioning at a high level, Crumpton says how leaders create a culture of mutual support will be a big factor in company culture and the employee experience.”
Although headline continue to barrage us with dismal news about the pandemic, the economy, and the general state of humanity right now, it’s helpful to remember that 2020 is a year of change and growth. Sometimes the growth won’t be easy or pleasant. It will be difficult and painful.
We are now witnessing the slow, yet steady, embracing of the conscious leadership we want to bring into the workplace, the government, education, and our communities. This awareness of and embracing of conscious leadership will continue to grow and will in fact be expedited by our current circumstances. Hope is our great comfort right now. As we each take time to work on own personal growth during this time of change, we will BE the change we want to see reflected in the world around us.
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.
Are you ready to increase your conscious leadership? Want to talk about building your remote team? Send me a note and let’s talk about achieving your goals.
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