Changing Plans
A weekly roundup of the latest future of work and conscious leadership news and insights
This week I’ve been reflecting on how much plans have changed this year. At the beginning of 2020, we all had New Year’s Resolutions or big plans for work projects. But one major global event upended most of these plans. Looking back at my original calendar for 2020, I would have traveled to San Antonio, Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Washington, DC, and New York City over the past few months.
This week I was scheduled to facilitate a retreat in beautiful Sundance, Utah. But, like so many other things, the retreat has moved virtual. While I do miss the opportunity to travel and explore, I also know that change can bring necessary progress and interesting, unexpected opportunities. Now I get to try out new technology; new ways of connecting and facilitating growth. There will be some things that don’t work, which will be lessons learned. And there will be great successes, which can be built upon.

As we enter the second half of 2020, we don’t know what the rest of this roller coaster ride of a year will look like. But we can be certain that we’re being stretched and grown in ways we hadn’t anticipated six months ago.
What are you learning about yourself?
How are you adapting?
What do you want to be your biggest takeaway from 2020?
What do you want to be able to say was you biggest area of growth this year?
Here is some of the future of work and conscious leadership content I found interesting this week:
Toptal, a leading freelance network company, reached out to me this week to share their “Suddenly Remote Playbook.” With a decade of remote work under their belt, the company has many lessons to share about building successful remote teams. I appreciate them reaching out to share this valuable content and hope you find it equally informative as you build your distributed team.
NPR recommends getting a comfortable chair because permanent work from home is coming. The report talks about all the upsides businesses are seeing as a result of the Great Remote Work Experiment of 2020. One big question for the future of work and our economy: how will commercial office spaces repurpose their buildings? I’d love to hear your prognostications about this major shift in work and real estate.
Conscious leaders constantly work on self-development. One key aspect of becoming a more conscious leader is developing your intuition. I’m going to dedicate a future newsletter article to this topic because it’s so important and is definitely part of the future of work. But in the meantime, check out this article from Jack Canfield about some simple steps you can take to develop your intuition.
The New York Times offers some more excellent tips on how to succeed in your office job when there is no office. Some of my favorite tips include: repurposing teams who can no longer rely on in-person meetings as part of their traditional roles, rotating responsibilities so more team members can experience different aspects of leadership, and showing empathy due to the new reality all of us—leaders and employees—are navigating.
The Houston Chronicle speculates that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, cheap air travel is going away. That’s mostly because corporate airfare helps subsidize economy class seats. Corporate travel could decrease at least 25% due to the pandemic. The future of work probably means less travel. So how can your team increase connection and productivity with fewer in-person meetings? Let’s talk about ways you can maintain both in a remote workplace.
Work happy. Live happy. BE happy.
Meredith’s coaching helps conscious leaders step courageously into the future of work. Contact her to develop your conscious leadership and transform your organization into the workplace of the future.
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